Our office in Sandnes is very much the technical heartbeat of our world-leading products. It is a flexible, friendly and stimulating environment with real energy and a team focus. It is home to around 50 developers and project managers in an environment where, like the rest of the Papirfly, everyone has a voice and a valuable contribution to make.
Job openings in Sandnes
Meet some of our people in Sandnes
Bjørg Egeland
Graphic Designer / UI / UX
Brit Skjæveland
Customer Success Manager
Jone Skjold
VP Development
Tim Tipple
CISO & VP Operations
Ziv Hellestad
UI/UX Developer
Morten Reigstad
Managing Director Norway & Denmark
Bjørn Kjetil Aanensen
Senior Project Manager
Hany Elsayed
Team Lead Operations